Eye of the Storm Elixir


roses and honey in blackberry brandy & thunderstorm water holding essences of borage, nigella, lily of the valley, magpie feather, moonstone, pietersite, larvikite. this elixir was kissed by the Brine Mother, wrapped in Serpent skin, and buried beneath the Cypress Circle for a full lunar cycle

release, restructure, reassurance, resurrection
tower moments (XVI) give way to the star (XVII)

stand in strength at the cliff’s edge and channel the highly charged atmosphere. ride the electric currents of change and wield them to your benefit. let your anguish be your paddle
through the tumultuous tides
of transmutation

the bitterness of brine gives greater buoyancy

lessons in the arte of temperance
with this elixir we weigh the balance of extremes and discover the Gifts held at our limits. support while navigating initiatory terrain, unwinding overwhelming spirals of emotion in order to think straight, see straight, make sound decisions. a crack of thunder to sharpen the senses — this passage is ripe with opportunity. trust in your abilities and your guides to deliver you safely on the other side.

dose to level a spinning compass, to call a spirit conference, to lace up the backbone. a flaming arrow to pierce illusion, a stone to wriggle free of your molt. a hand to hold your hair as you purge what is poisonous to your growth.

with elemental instinct and fearless focus,
Cypress as lightning rod


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