Artemisian Dream

from $22.00

pure herbal distillate of artemisia vulgaris
collected from the banks of the brine bay where the swans raise their young and the hawthorns bloom. please note: this water is also available with lavender in the drop down options.


the artemisias as doulas of birth and death. witnesses to the secrets of this world and the next, compassionate guides through rites of passage and times of deepest despair. as creatures rooted at the crossroads, absinthium leads us through dreamscape, labyrinth and shadow. our tethers to the physical realm while exploring the invisible, teachers in tuning psychic perception and opening the senses to the subtle. they show us the places where the realms overlap and how to dance safely between them. a mist for self and space, to calm nerves and clear psycho-spiritual congestion. to call helpful spirits in and cast sticky-malevolents out.

keepers of the doorways within women
the artemisias are fiercely protective over the feminine. they take us to the root of our wounds, shining light on our strengths and our weaknesses and helping us remove emotional/mental blockades held too long. they are healers of deep-seeded wounds held in the womb and bring us closer to matrilineal magic. midwives through the cycles of birth, death, blood, moon, tide - they help us find our rhythm in the swell. a mist for the lower belly in times of need, combine with absinthium ointment for cramping and communion

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these hydrosols are pure herbal distillates with no added preservatives. each distillation is a prayer. a collaboration with the landscape. crafted in ceremony with a copper alembic still & living waters collected from our local spring. instructions for care and invitations for use are included with the bottle.

hydrosols are powerful Water medicines. holding the spirit and properties of the plant within each drop, they move deep beneath the surface, tending to our physical and energetic bodies and cleansing each sphere. their aromatic nature clears the senses and calms the nerves. their applications are endless and easily woven into everyday ritual. facial toner, body mist, makeup remover. add to baths, face masks, herbal steams, compresses, floor washes. a room, linen, clothing, car spray. spritz into a glass of water or cup of tea as you would an essence. focus mist on specific pulse/acupuncture points on the body. leave as offering.